Monday, March 8, 2010

Comfort food, Oh' how I love thee!

When a good hug just isn't enough and your favorite movie can't help you escape from reality, reach for the cookie dough! Seriously, what is it about cookie dough on a bad day that makes everything better? I have to admit I have been having a few more bad days then good lately, which means all I want to do is bake, which means what I really want is just an excuse to eat the dough or the batter of whatever it is I'm baking. I have recently baked a German chocolate cake, brownies, brownies and more brownies, and cookies, lots of cookies. This has made me realize that even though I have been drawn to each different baked good in hopes of finding a little sunshine on otherwise emotionally cloudy days, the cookie dough is what works the best! What is it about cookie dough, in particular chocolate chip cookie dough? It is the most perfect combination of sweet, salty, creamy, buttery deliciousness! I just can't get enough! When I was pregnant I craved it like no ones business, and I totally ate it! That's right I ate it, not every day but when I just couldn't resist any longer I caved and sat with the big ole bowl on my belly and went to town. Of course when I visited my mommy online chat groups I NEVER admitted to this. However the truth is I ate it and just like now I LOVED it! Regardless of the fact that when I was pregnant I read countless articles on how it was bad because of the raw egg and it was a horrible source of empty calories that was going straight to my thighs and not towards nourishing the baby growing inside me. And now just like then I felt zero guilt. There is just something about it that allows me to detach from the real world and get lost in the sweet, emotionally nourishing nectar that is is cookie dough!

I raise my spoon to cookie dough, and thank every bowl I have ever savored for the delicious, euphoric, mind altering adventures we have taken together! Because sometimes there are just days when the adventure that is life gets a little rough and seems too overwhelming to deal with. That's when nothing can replace a good ole bowl of comforting cookie dough!

These days life in the final Frontier is a bit slow and not quite how I pictured it in my head at this point. However, with my bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough in one hand, my adorable little bundle of giggles on my hip I continue to go forth, determined to discover all of the adventure that is life as a new mommy in Alaska...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks very much for finding my blog. Congratulations and well done or making the move up north. I hope you manage to settle in, find your feet and enjoy yourself.

    The Iditarod photos on your Twitter link were super!

    Best wishes
