Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Alaskanitis...I don't know if this is really a word. I don't know if its recognized as an actual medical condition, or if I am trying to justify my recent bout of laziness. Whatever the case, it seems very real and next to impossible to overcome.

Since arriving in Alaska a month ago tomorrow, tasks that should only take a few hours to complete, take me a few days. If I don't leave the house all day I don't mind. I am perfectly happy cuddled up on the couch while the baby sleeps or playing on the floor all day with him when he's awake. I hardly ever know what day it is without looking at a calendar. I only know what time it is because mommy duty requires me to somewhat keep track of my son's sleep/eat schedule. Not to mention my appetite, my new Alaskan diet consists of: breakfast, snack, snack, snack, lunch, lunch again, dinner, wine, dessert, more wine and more dessert! Its like when you go on vacation and you have a free ticket to live in "vacation world" where schedules and calories don't exist. Apart of me loves it, apart of me sees no problem with adopting this new lifestyle permanently. But then there is another part of me, this little voice in my head reminding me that I am not on vacation. I actually live here now and at some point I am going to have to get off the couch and at some point we are going to have stop living off pizza, cake, and wine. Eventually my 8 month old son is no longer going to be 8 months old and I am going to have to explain my mommy weighs 800 pounds and why we never leave the house even though we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world!

We are not getting on a plane to go back home. This is our home, and even though I am obviously having trouble believing it, this is reality. However I think the end is near. The "vacation" is almost over. We are only house sitting for another week, it looks like job prospects are beginning to take shape and we think we found a house to rent. I am hopeful that once we have a place of our own, once we have a regular schedule that includes at least one of us going to work daily and once we are able to enjoy all this beautiful state has to offer reality will begin to sink in and I will be cured of my "alaskanitis". Until then I take small steps. I actually just got back from a "run", if you can call it that, there were a lot of breaks and walking involved. Its been awhile since the ole' running shoes have seen much action. Tonight I am going to a free yoga class at a studio I found in town, and this weekend we are hopefully making a day trip to Soldotna.

As with all of the recent events that lead to this move I am learning to be patient. I am learning to enjoy these moments as a new mom, as a new Alaskan, and the person I am becoming because of it. I can't forget my mantra, even on the tough days.

We might be a little crazy, but aah what an adventure!

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