Saturday, February 20, 2010

Were moving!

On December 27, 2009 around 10:30 pm my husband and I lay awake in our rented townhouse in Colorado discussing for the millionth time our dream of moving to Alaska. Now before you stop reading and cast this off as one of those "Into The Wild" stories about a couple of idealistic and unprepared recent college grads looking for adventure in the Final Frontier, allow me another paragraph or so to explain.

I fell in love with Alaska 11 years ago when I visited for the first time. I remember sitting on the plane ready to take off overwhelmed with this feeling that I was going to come back one day and make Alaska my home. A year later I met and fell in love with the man who is now my husband, and just so happens to be an Alaskan! We were married in 2001, and have been chasing adventures together ever since. Throughout all of our different adventures together the idea of moving back "home" was always on our To Do list. But it just never felt "right" there was always a reason for staying in the lower 48. We visited regularly to get our "Alaska fix" but always maintained our home elsewhere.

That said, when we did finally take the plunge it was a matter of 27 days from the moment we officially decided, to the day we crossed the state line. We sold the majority of our worldly possessions, packed and shipped the rest of what we owned into 21 boxes, and crammed clothes, sleeping bags, skis, a stroller, a raft, our dog, our 7 month old son and ourselves into a 99 VW Golf bound to Alaska.

We arrived in Wasilla Alaska around 10:30 at night on January 23rd, 2010. (Yes home of Sarah Palin, and no I will not tell her you say hello if I see her in the grocery store!) Besides being home to Sarah Palin, Wasilla also happens to be where my husband grew up and where his parents still live.

With no jobs, a temporary home with the in-laws, and still settling into parenthood you might be thinking "crazy people!" Its okay if you are, 3 1/2 weeks later still no jobs and still living with the in-laws I have a mini break down at least every other day that makes me wonder if I have gone just a little bit crazy. However after making the 3800 mile journey from Colorado to Alaska with a baby and an extremely hyper black lab-border collie in the middle of winter I remind myself, we might be crazy but ahh what an adventure this is!

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